The Word of God
2 Timothy 3:16
Whatever it is, the way you tellWe believe every single word of the Bible and believe it is God-breathed. We value its authority, which means we are obedient to what it says and how it directs us. We read it in context and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We stand firm with all the truth from the scriptures. your story online can make all the difference.
Conviction is a Gift
2 Corinthians 7:9-10
We give God glory for convictions, which we see as a doorway towards freedom. Conviction shows us what was previously unseen and moves us closer towards the mind of Christ. Therefore, it is a gift because it leads us to increased faith, Biblical and self-understanding, and preparation for our role on this earth to be advocates of the Great Commission.
No Timidity, Testify!
2 Timothy 1:7
We value our words and our courage, knowing that they stem from God. We acknowledge that we don’t have to live in fear of what others may think or do about what we say and how we live. We live boldly. We speak wisely. We think intentionally. There is no room for timidity when we always have a testimony of God’s goodness!
Hold Her Down
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Just as Jesus holds us accountable through conviction because He loves us, we value the resource that accountability is in our lives. We hold each other down by addressing one another through grace in areas we glow in, as well as areas we need to grow in. Accountability is love in action because we don’t just desire to grow ourselves, but also to see our sisters doing the same.
You Grow Girl!
Philippians 2:3-4
We are a community that values supporting one another. We do this through humility and acknowledge the significance of our sisters in Christ. We are our biggest cheerleaders and will lift one another up in all that we do that gives God glory. We are one other’s empowering supporters in private and in public!
Power of Prayer
James 5:16
We value and honor the gift of prayer. We see this as the ultimate access to God and utilize this power through intercession, deliverance, supplication, repentance, and thanksgiving. Our decisions are based on prayer and our growth is based on our prayer life. Prayer is a part of everything we do here at the Garden.
Jesus is God. We believe He was born of a virgin named Mary. We believe He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for us and as us, and resurrected from the dead and is our living Savior. We believe Jesus is The Word of God and was there when God created it all in Genesis. We believe every miracle Jesus performed and we believe He will return again.
God is our Father. We believe Him to be all powerful, all knowing and having all authority and dominion. We believe He is a triune God, existing as God the Father, God the Son - Jesus, and God the Spirit - Holy Ghost. We believe God sent His only begotten Son to save us all.
holy spirit
The Holy Spirit lives in every single person that professes Jesus is the one and only living God and have surrendered their life to Him. We believe the Holy Spirit was present in Genesis, as well. We believe the Holy Spirit chose us as His temple here on earth.
We have been saved by grace and not by works. There is nothing we can do that can separate us from the love of God and we believe that salvation may be a one-time (or in certain cases more than 1 time, if re-dedicated) decision, while also being an everyday choice to die to self and carry our own cross with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We believe that salvation means we get to live eternally because Jesus saved us on calvary. We hold to an Arminian theology when it comes to salvation.
the bible
We believe every single word in the Bible. We believe it is God breathed and without error or contradiction. We believe it to be our guide in life and should be utilized to correct, rebuke, encourage, and train in righteousness. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and we believe The Word of God to be Jesus. Therefore, we believe every word and story in the Bible points to Jesus and directs us to God’s redemptive story of salvation for all of humanity.
We believe in the outward expression of our relationship with God to be evident through water baptism, just like Jesus did. We believe this is an outward symbol of our internal decision to follow Jesus. We believe anyone and everyone can be water baptized by another person.
the church
We are the church. The church is the body of Christ in all of the world and we all have different functions within the body. We believe in submission towards the authority of the head of the church, which is Jesus. We believe we are called to be in the church anywhere and everywhere and invite people not to a “building” but into our lives to become the body of Christ, alongside us. We believe that as a church, we are called to the Great Commission by Jesus, Himself. To make disciples in all nations and baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
gender & Sexuality
God has gifted us with certain genders for specific reasons. Although this ministry primarily serves women, we believe the women that are ministered to in this community can and should minister to all people, including men and children. We believe in what the Bible says about the role of men and women in marriages, households, churches, and in the world. We believe women can and should preach the Word of God to men and women, from public platforms to more intimate spaces. We adhere to and agree with the traditional Biblical view of sexuality and gender.
spiritual gifts
All of us have spiritual gifts we have received from God. We believe we cannot earn our spiritual gifts nor obtain them at some point in life. We are all born with them. We believe it is our job to unlock these spiritual gifts and use them for the glory of God, betterment of self, and service to the world. We believe the spiritual gifts talked about in the Bible are still gifts God gives to people today.
The Bible states that the kindness of God leads us to repentance and that we may repent consistently. We believe repentance means to turn away from certain thoughts, ways of being, ways of living and certain decisions in order to return to the holiness that God invites us into. We believe forgiveness and humility are vital for repentance. We believe that conviction rather than condemnation leads believers to repentance.